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Astrological Birth Chart of Lucrecia Kasilag

Lucrecia Roces Kasilag was born August 31, 1918 to father Marcial Kasilag and mother Asuncion Roses. To be tackled will be the astrological reading for Lucrecia and how it manifests in her life.

There are multiple aspects to one’s birth chart but, the scope would be limited to Sun, Moon, the combination of the two, mercury, Saturn, and Mars. All descriptions were derived from the birth charts and interpretations at and were consulted with Rappler astrology columnist Monica Gamboa.



The sun is the sign typically known by people as it only requires one’s birthday to determine. This would be where we essentially derive our “star signs”, Like how the Sun functions for the Earth, the sun sign rules the person and gives us life. The Sun sign determines the outward expression of personality. Lucrecia’s Sun is in Virgo.Having a Sun in an Earth sign means that the person is a worker and approaches life systematically. Virgo people are respectable, hard-working individuals who have a love of knowledge and know-how. With this, they also push themselves consistently because they want to do things well.

It goes without saying that Kasilag’s life was that of excellence, with her youth obtaining sobresaliente in her piano lessons, graduating valedictorian in elementary and high school (and on an accelerated program at that), while gaining cum laude in college. (Kasilag, n.d.) Her competency flourished beyond her years in school as she was awarded international artist of the world by UNESCO, the only Asian composer in the 1963 festival of music and art and was named national artist (Kasilag, n.d.). Her work in music education was also given a distinguished service award in Philippine Women’s University (de la Torre, 1985). Kasilag lives up to her Sun of being a hard worker and excellent in various things as her life, though spread out across many things: music, academe, cultural efforts, travels, teaching, etc., are all still praise worthy and not affected by the others.



In comparison to the Sun, the Moon governs the inner world and the emotions of a person. Lucrecia’s Moon is in Cancer, a water sign. This means that they are quite wrapped in themselves and love to cling onto things like their homes/family and people they care for. Due to this attachment, these people are generally considered to be dependable.

Leading multiple lives and roles, Kasilag’s solace and retreat was a bungalow of her own in Fairview.

There, she invited neighborhood children to come in and see her collections (de laTorre, 1985). She also had a soft spot for pets, having 2 dogs, Blackey and Abu. She had also previously had an itik or duck whom she adored as well (de la Torre, 1985). She had constant get-together with her family and different classmates from PWU.

Kasilag with her nieces and nephews

Kasilag with her nieces and nephews

Kasilag said that she “simply overlooked marriage” as she didn’t end up marrying,perhaps because there were many significant pre-occupations that she was already clinging to like friends, music and family.

Sun in Virgo + Moon in Cancer

This combination while practical in nature, is very gentle, sympathetic and passionate in the work or things that she does. The flip-side of this is that she may have been quite critical and self-conscious (Sun in Virgo/Moon in Cancer, n.d.). Kasilag highlighted her difficulties in swimming and divulged her different other problems where she mentioned an injury involving her finger later in her life, stopping her from becoming a concert pianist.

Prior to entering high school, she was shy and was critical of her flat nose, plump-ish figure, and not being fair skinned, and being short in stature. Only did she snap out of these in high school with her friends who were empowering her (de la Torre, 1985). Virgo-Cancers are driven by their compassionate desires, and excellent in service and/or ministry field, that are typically described to be vocations (Sun and Virgo/Moon in Cancer, n.d.).

HS grad pic

Kasliag's high school graduation picture

Kasilag’s career has been almost synonymous to teaching and guiding young musicians with her stints in PWU, the UP conservatory of music, teaching music theory, music history and piano (de la Torre, 1985; Kasilag, n.d.). In fact, she went all in on education and promoting it by giving free scholarships at PWU (de la Torre), 1985).As a combination of the practical and gentle, Kasilag’s approach both equipped her with the competencies needed to be excellent but also armed with her approach to make her efforts lasting and significant.



The Mercury sign represents the mind and intellect and governs how one’s thought processes work as well as how one communicates. Kasilag’s memory also lies in Virgo, the same as her Sun which makes her approach for this facet of her life the same. Mercury in Virgo are typified by people who are deliberate, have systems, and high standards to keep them in order.

She discussed, judged and scrutinized well while employing her logical reasoning. She had planned to be a lawyer and would picture herself defending the oppressed. She also hoped to be a doctor to help people, professions where rigor and competency with a heart (Virgo-Cancer) are necessary to be successful (de la Torre, 1985).

As a student, she also acquired a music and English degree, and spent time at Eastman School of Music (de la Torre, 1985; Kasilag n.d.).

While she didn’t end up with the profession she had first envisioned, it showed the confidence she had in her competency to be able to handle those professions and it is safe to say that her high standards and deliberateness came out in the field she ended up in.


Mars represents how you use your male energy. Kasilag’s Mars is in Scorpio, which makes one seek out and love challenges. Once in these situations, they tackle it with concentrated energy, and do so ceaselessly.

Kasilag shared her fascination with ethnomusicology that spurred her to meet with the Bukid in Bongabon, Oriental Mindoro (Kasilag, n.d.). From then on, she made it a point to introduce and champion indigenous culture and music in her works which has been dubbed as a combination of East and West.

The Bayanihan was one such vessel to forward these as she showcased through them the beauty of bamboo instruments and the different sounds of the Philippines through their different ensembles (Kasilag, n.d.). She also pioneered improvements in music education by introducing Philippine and Asian music in classes.

Students were more involved under her guidance as they got to play with instruments and could participate in radio programs. Being a hard worker striving or excellence paid out well for the different challenges that Kasilag took upon herself as she saw through them and its results are still recognized and honored until today.


The aspects discussed fall under two general elements: Earth and Water, and the practicality of the Earth sign is always balanced out by the sensitivity, gentleness and passion of the water. Thus, what we can observe in looking at Kasilag’s life through an astrological lens is a life that is both praiseworthy for the accomplishments, and how those accomplishments were achieved.



Gamboa, M. (2018). Kasilag Birth Chart. Ateneo.

de la Torre, V. (1985). Lucrecia R. Kasilag an artist for the world. Vera-Reyes Inc.

Kasilag, L. Lucrecia Roces Kasilag My Story. Manila: Philippine Women's University.

Sun in Virgo/Moon in Cancer. Retrieved from moon_virgo-cancer.pdf

Natal Chart Report. cafeastrology. Retrieved 23 April 2018, from

Photo of Kasilag taken from: Lucrecia Kasilag: An Artist for the World book by Visitacion R. de la Torre.

Photo of Kasilag with family taken from: Lucrecia Kasilag: An Artist for the World book by Visitacion R. de la Torre.

Photo of Kasilag's highschool grad pic taken from: Lucrecia Kasilag: An Artist for the World book by Visitacion R. de la Torre.

Photo of all symbols are taken from google images under public domain.

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